A Review of "The Seeker's Keys" (The Treemakers, Book 3) by Christina L. Rozelle
Never has a series made me angry, made me love, made me gasp, made me feel joy, or made me feel loss like this series. I plowed through the Treemakers, the Soultakers, and the Seeker’s Keys in just a few days because I couldn’t put them down. Fantastically written and imagined. Christina L. Rozelle shares the darkness and the light in a way that is heart wrenchingly real and addictive. The Seeker’s Keys the third and final installment of the Treemakers and does not disappoint. Book two introduced us to a monster that makes Lord Voldermort look like a pussy cat. Uniquely crafted, I loved the final book in this series. The Seeker’s Keys: Joy has lost her son and her best friend to a madman, Lord Daumier, hell bent on destroying everything that Joy has built including her chance to take her family of Treemakers and saltminers beyond the Wall. She saved the children though and finally make it to Refuge. Now with the help of her friends and new found allies she must find the Seeker’s Keys, decode the messages left by her dead father, bring down Lord Daumier, save Jax, save her baby, and take those she loves to paradise. Easy enough right? Jax is being held captive and tortured. With his will and body at a breaking point a new hope arises and with it an understanding of Joy’s love. With that spark of hope, he begins to fight back, stepping into the role of Papa Jax, the role he spent so much time trying to run away from, but was made for. Joy and her family form an unlikely alliance making her and the reader question who the real monsters are. Friendship and love show their strength as the group comes back together to fight for their future and for each other. Final Thoughts: Gripping and real the heartache, loss, and dedication of the Treemakers and saltminers are palpable. I have made it my mission to tell everyone who reads books about this series. I walked away raw, but smiling, yet still a little sad. But, that’s what a good book does right? It stays with you long after the last page is turned and long after the characters’ lives stop churning in your mind. This series will stay with me for a long time.